Quote of the week: Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said, “So it is obligatory upon every Muslim to befriend and show allegiance to the believers and the scholars amongst the believers, and to seek out the truth and follow it wherever he finds it.” [Al-Fataawaa: vol. 22, pg. 252]
Concerning “Whoever Allaah desires good for, He grants him understanding of the Religion.” Ibnul-Qayyim said: “This indicates that whoever is not granted understanding of His Religion, Allaah does not intend good for him. Likewise, whomever Allaah does intend good for, He grants him understanding of His Religion. Whoever He has granted understanding of His Religion, He has intended good, if what is meant by ‘understanding’ here is knowledge that necessitates action (i.e. good deeds). But if what is meant by it is just knowledge (without action), then this does not prove that whoever is granted understanding of the Religion that good is intended for him. So then, understanding the Religion is a condition for intending good for someone, whereas in the first example, it mandates it.” [Miftaah Daar as-Sa’aadah: vol. 1, pg. 246]
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