Marrying a Woman After Committing Zinaa with Her
Question: A Muslim man committed Zinaa (fornication) with a woman who was not Muslimah and she became pregnant by him. Then, after she...
Shaykh Bin Baaz on Polygamy and Losing the Balance between Wives
Host of the Program: The next letter has come to the program (the radio program, Nurun 'alad-Darb) from Iraq. The woman who sent it is...
The Obligation of a Woman Obeying her Husband
It is obligatory on you O Muslim woman to obey your husband in matters of good. Abu Hurairah reported that Allaah’s Messenger...
The Complete Guidance on the Rules of Wiping (over Footwear)
1. Wiping over the shoes: As for wiping over the shoes (na'alayn) [1] when performing ablution, then it has become popular amongst the...
The Etiquettes of Relieving Oneself
I will begin first with that which is related to wudoo (Ablution). But before that I will speak about the etiquettes of relieving...
The Conditions for the Proper Hijaab
Second: An explanation of the conditions required for the Hijaab to fulfill its religious objective. Below is a list of the Hijaab’s...
The Ruling on Shaking Hands Between Men & Women
Question: “It has become very common amongst us in these days, when a man goes away on a journey and then returns, a group of women from...
The Status of Women Before & After Islaam
The Status of the Woman before Islaam: What is meant “before Islaam” here is the period known as Jaahiliyyah (Days of Ignorance), which...
Rulings Derived from the Evidences on Hijaab
First: A clarification of the rulings that can be derived from the evidences on Hijaab, and they are as follows: 1. The obligation of...
The Dislike of Marriage with Women from the People of the Book -nowadays- and its Evil Consequences
The Imaam, the Father Sheikh 'Abdul 'Azeez bin 'Abdillah bin Baaz -may Allaah's mercy be upon him- says: Marriage with other than...