What does Eemaan Consist of?
Question: Someone says: Eemaan (faith) consists of speech, belief, and action, but action is a condition of perfection in it. He also...
They Say to Us 'Fear Allaah & Seek Knowledge' When We Spread Refutations
Question: When we warn from the people of innovation and desires there are certain people say to us: “Fear Allah, seek knowledge and...
Advice for Those Studying Worldly Subjects
Question: I am a new student in the faculty of Engineering. What is your advice for me? Answer: My advice is that you study your religion...
The Importance of Creed for the Muslim
Question: There is (one) here who is lax concerning the importance of 'Aqeedah (creed) and he is of the opinion that Eemaan (faith) is...
Explanation of the Statement, "They Loved Disbelief & the Disbelievers"
"They loved disbelief and the disbelievers" [1] The Explanation: From Masaa'il al-Jaahiliyyah: They like disbelief and the disbelievers....
Ruling on the One Who is Angry when an Affliction Befalls Him
Question: What is the ruling of the one who is angry when an affliction befalls him? Answer: People are upon 4 levels regarding the...
Abandoning the People of Innovation
Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisee says in his book Lum'ah al-I'tiqaad: And from the Sunnah is abandoning the People of Bid'ah, opposing them,...
If Allaah Tests a Person Does it Mean He Loves Him?
Question: If Allaah loves a person He tries him with adversity, therefore if a person is befallen with misfortune is this proof that...
The Ruling On Putting Personal Pictures In Social Networks [like Facebook, Twitter and etc]
Question: This questioner asks on the ruling of putting personal pictures as a member on websites especially on Facebook and Twitter?...
Raise Your Children Upon the Sunnah
Question: O Noble Shaykh, the questioner says: Regarding the young child, is it obligatory that his garment be short such that it is not...