Ruling on the One Who is Angry when an Affliction Befalls Him
Question: What is the ruling of the one who is angry when an affliction befalls him? Answer: People are upon 4 levels regarding the...
If Allaah Tests a Person Does it Mean He Loves Him?
Question: If Allaah loves a person He tries him with adversity, therefore if a person is befallen with misfortune is this proof that...
From the Descriptions of the People of Paradise
My brothers: You have heard of the descriptions of Paradise and its delights and what it contains of happiness and enjoyment. By Allaah,...
Whoever Made his Intention for the Aakhirah
When the servant wakes up and passes the night with no other concern except for Allaah, alone; Allaah, glorified is He, assumes all of...
The Servant Completely Belongs to Allaah
What does he actually own, he whose own forehead is in the Hand of Allaah? His soul is in His Hand. His heart is between two of His...