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The Servant Completely Belongs to Allaah

What does he actually own, he whose own forehead is in the Hand of Allaah? His soul is in His Hand. His heart is between two of His Fingers, turning it as He wills. [1]

His life, his death, his happiness, his misery, his movement and his stillness, all are in His Hand. His statements and his actions are only by His permission and His will. So he does not make any move, except with His permission, nor does he do any action except by His will.If He entrusts him to himself; He entrusts him to helplessness, loss, negligence and sin. If He entrusts him to someone else; he entrusts him to one who does not posses the ability to harm, benefit, to give life, death, nor resurrection. And if He abandons him; his enemy will capture him and make him his captive.So he cannot dispense without Him for even a blink of an eye. Rather, for as long as he breathes, he requires His assistance, inwardly and outwardly. He is in complete poverty before Him.



[1] Muslim recorded a Hadeeth, (2654), narrated from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr: That he heard the Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying, "Indeed the hearts of the sons of Aadam are between two of the Fingers of the Most Merciful, as one heart. He changes them as He wishes."


Source: Faaidah Jaleelah (Magnificent Benefit) #36

Translator: Abuz-Zubayr 'Abdur-Rahmaan (Scott) Harrison - Rahimahullaah

Note: As salaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh... Our brother was recently taken by the Will of our Lord Ta'aalaa, he was our brother in Deen and Salafiyyah and a dear friend, a father and husband. He has helped our growth in the da'wah for a number of years translating our articles and books. May Allaah forgive him of his sins, make these deeds grand on his scale of good deeds, and make him from the occupants of the highest level of paradise, Aameen yaa Rabbanaa! From what we knew of him, he was truly from the best of people and Allaah knows best... Inna lillaahi wa Inna Ilayhi Raaji'oon.

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