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Who Are Al-Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen?

Question: Fadheelah ash-Shaykh Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee - may Allaah grant you success, I have found some books that cover and include current issues on these Hizbee groups that adopt a manhaj which opposes the manhaj of the Salaf by way of knowledge and actions. These books are either too extensive, making it difficult upon the beginner to comprehend their content, or they are simple summaries which limit their benefit and limit gaining that which is necessary from them. So we hope, oh Fadheelah ash-Shaykh, that you can give us a clear, explicit, yet concise picture of the most important founders of them (these groups) as well as the points for which they are criticized in order for a Muslim to be on guard of falling into something from them. Also, if you would be so kind, oh Shaykh, in conclusion, to touch upon the manhaj of the truth that is incumbent upon every Muslim to adopt and traverse under its shade in order to follow it and avoid the falsehood and innovation within the religion, thus, obtaining the pleasure of his Lord and Protector in the Home of Honor (Paradise) and securing His mercy and pleasure. May Allaah reward you with good and benefit, by your knowledge, the Muslims. Was-Salaam alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Answer: al-Hamdulillaah Rabbil-‘Aalameen, and may He send His Salaah and peace upon the most noble of all the creation - our prophet Muhammad - and upon his family and companions. As to what follows:


They are the followers of Hasan al-Bannaa and there are many issues with their manhaj, the most important are the following:

  1. Neglecting Tawheed of Ibaadah (Allaah’s Unity of Worship), which is the most important aspect of Islaam and that, which without it; the servant's Islaam is not correct.

  2. Their remaining silent and approving of people committing major shirk whether it be calling upon other than Allaah, making Tawwaaf around graves, making vows to the occupants of them (the graves), sacrificing in their names, and similar to that.

  3. Indeed, the foundation of this manhaj is Soofee. They have a relationship to Sufism in that they made a pledge with Abdul-Wahhaab al-Hasaafee for allegiance to his Soofee path which is al-Hasaafiyyah ash-Shaathaliyyah.

  4. The presence of bid’ahs with them and their worshipping with them. Rather, they are the foundation of their manhaj. They believe that the Prophet r attends their sittings of Dhikr and forgives their previous sins as is in their verse of poetry: “The God has sent prayers upon he who has appeared upon light, for all the worlds so he surpassed even the sun and moon, This beloved among beloved ones has arrived, And he has forgiven everything that has preceded and occurred.”

  5. Their da’wah for the leadership. This itself is a bid’ah, for indeed, the messengers and their followers were responsible for calling to Tawheed. Allaah said:

“And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger (saying), ‘Worship Allaah and avoid false gods.’” - [Sooratun-Nahl: 36]

  1. The lack of any Walaa and Baraa (Loyalty and enmity) with them or at least it is very weak with them. This is clarified by their da’wah for cooperation and closeness between the Sunnah and the Shee’ah like the statement of their founder: “We cooperate in what we agree on, and we pardon one another for what we disagree on.”

  2. Their hatred for the people of Tawheed and the people of the way of the Salaf and their abhorrence of them. This is clear from their talk against the country of Saudi Arabia which was founded upon Tawheed. Tawheed is studied in its schools, its institutes, and its universities. It is also clear from their killing of Jameel ar-Rahmaan al-Afghaanee because he was calling to Tawheed and for his schools in which Tawheed was studied.

  3. Their constant following up of the mistakes of the leaders and searching for their faults, regardless of whether they were true or not, and

  4. then spreading them among the youth to make them detest the leaders and to fill their hearts with hatred against them.

  5. Disgusting Hizbiyyah that they ascribe to. So they show loyalty for the sake of their party and they show enmity for it.

  6. Taking a pledge of allegiance for acting in accordance with the Ikhwaanee manhaj based upon ten specific conditions mentioned by the founder. There are other issues of criticism with them that perhaps we can take later.


Source: Al-Fataawaa al-Jaliyyah ‘anil-Manaahij Ad-Da’wiyyah (pg. 51-55) compiled by Hasan Ibn Mahmood Ibn Mansoor ad-Daghreeri


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